UI Case Study
September 2023

Project Overview

WIMSA (or When Is My Shift Again?) is a scheduling program I created for any mid sized restaurant, bar, café, etc. It serves two main functions, allowing a shift manager to create and make changes to a weekly schedule, and for employees to track their schedules.

My Role

As the only designer on this project, I was responsible for conducting user research, creating a sitemap, wireframes, low and high fidelity prototypes, conducting usability studies, and iterating on final designs.

UX Design Process


Learn about the user through interviews & research


Specify the user's needs


Come up with creative solutions

Prototype & Test

Simulate user experience & validate with the user

User Research

When it comes to creating a schedule for 10 to 30 employees, I could only imagine how much never-ending communication goes into it. So to get a better idea of this task, I reached out to a couple local restaurants, and my previous shift manager in retail. They walked me through their current schedule system and pointed out their favorite parts and features, as well as some that need improving. Then I sat down with some of the employees, eagre to see if their struggles lined up or contrasted with their shift managers.

I organized what I learned onto a sticky note board.

User Persona

Market Research

Along with user research, I conducted a competitive audit on some of my main direct and indirect competitors.

Defining the Problem

At this point knowing who I'm designing for, I asked myself "which of my user's needs or problems are the most important for my design to address?"

To answer this, I came up with problem statements for my personas, and a "How might we?" question to solve those problems.

Problem Statement

How might we...


User Flow

My next step was creating a sitemap to layout the information architecture. Many of the suggested tools and features fit into a matrix style structure, which added another challenge of keeping that matrix well organized.

Ideation on Paper

I started sketching designs out on paper, making multiple versions of the main schedule screen. The name, date, and shift grid often stayed the same, while I played around with buttons and navigation bars. I wanted to keep everything as clear and concise as possible, but the stack of requested functions I received from research made this tricky.

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Digital Wireframes

In my early low fidelity designs, I continued to explore different navigation options to see how it felt moving from editing a schedule, to checking messages or managing requests.

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Low Fidelity Prototype Testing

Next I created a prototype and ran two rounds of usability studies with 4 users. I asked each of them to navigate through the website, create a shift for an employee and load a schedule template.

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High Fidelity Mockups

I played around with a few different style guides for the hifi mock-ups before settling on this one.
View prototype
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Final Takeaways & Next Steps

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