Alex Pastic's alternate profile image.

Hey, I'm Alex

I believe empathy is one of the most important aspects of humanity, but in a vastly growing digital world, it's getting left behind.

As a UX Designer, I strive to keep empathy essential to the design process.

My Journey to UX

I first learned about UX Design in 2020, while working in retail during the pandemic. The concept of creating a user experience covering the entire user journey just seemed so compelling to me. The more I learned and read about UX, the more dots I connected from my own skills and experiences. As a salesperson, it's was a daily occurance to qualify and empathize with a customer to find out why they came to the store, and help them find a product that will bring them joy and meaning. Now that I've completed the Google UX Design Certificate, I'm excited to take on new challenges, learn and expand my skills even more.

Design Skills

• User Research
• Market Research
• Wireframing
• Prototyping
• Usability Studies
• UI & Interaction Design


• Figma
• Adobe XD
• Photoshop
• Webflow


• Bachelor of Musical Arts Western University
• Google UX Design Certificate


• Playing Piano
• Rock Climbing
• Catching Pokémon
• Eating cereal

Get in touch!

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